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About this cookie policy

Dit cookiebeleid legt uit wat cookies zijn en hoe we ze gebruiken. Lees dit beleid om te begrijpen wat cookies zijn, hoe we ze gebruiken, de soorten cookies die we gebruiken, d.w.z. de informatie die we verzamelen met behulp van cookies en hoe die informatie wordt gebruikt en hoe de cookievoorkeuren kunnen worden beheerd. Zie ons privacybeleid voor meer informatie over hoe we uw persoonlijke gegevens gebruiken, opslaan en beveiligen.

U kunt op elk moment uw toestemming voor de cookieverklaring op onze website wijzigen of intrekken.

Meer informatie over wie we zijn, hoe u contact met ons kunt opnemen en hoe we persoonlijke gegevens verwerken in ons privacybeleid.

Uw toestemming is van toepassing op de volgende domeinen: dubbele-getallen.nl

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used and how to control the cookie preferences. For further information on how we use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Your consent applies to the following domains: dubbele-getallen.nl

What are cookies ?

Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die worden gebruikt om kleine stukjes informatie op te slaan. De cookies worden op uw apparaat opgeslagen wanneer de website in uw browser wordt geladen. Deze cookies helpen ons om de website goed te laten werken, de website veiliger te maken, een betere gebruikerservaring te bieden en te begrijpen hoe de website presteert en om te analyseren wat werkt en waar het moet worden verbeterd.

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help us make the website function properly, make the website more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

How do we use cookies ?

Zoals de meeste online services, gebruikt onze website cookies first-party en third-party cookies voor een aantal doeleinden. De first-party cookies zijn meestal nodig om de website goed te laten functioneren, en ze verzamelen geen van uw persoonlijk identificeerbare gegevens.

De cookies van derden die op onze websites worden gebruikt, worden voornamelijk gebruikt om te begrijpen hoe de website presteert, hoe u omgaat met onze website, onze services beveiligen, advertenties aanbieden die voor u relevant zijn en al met al u een betere en verbeterde website bieden. Gebruikerservaring en uw toekomstige interacties met onze website te versnellen.

As most of the online services, our website uses cookies first-party and third-party cookies for a number of purposes. The first-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function the right way, and they do not collect any of your personally identifiable data.

The third-party cookies used on our websites are used mainly for understanding how the website performs, how you interact with our website, keeping our services secure, providing advertisements that are relevant to you, and all in all providing you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with our website.

What types of cookies do we use ?

Essentieel: sommige cookies zijn essentieel om de volledige functionaliteit van onze site te kunnen ervaren. Ze stellen ons in staat gebruikerssessies te onderhouden en beveiligingsrisico’s te voorkomen. Ze verzamelen of bewaren geen persoonlijke informatie. Met deze cookies kunt u bijvoorbeeld inloggen op uw account en producten toevoegen aan uw winkelmandje en veilig afrekenen.

Statistieken: Deze cookies slaan informatie op, zoals het aantal bezoekers van de website, het aantal unieke bezoekers, welke pagina’s van de website zijn bezocht, de bron van het bezoek enz. Deze gegevens helpen ons te begrijpen en analyseren hoe goed de website presteert en waar het moet worden verbeterd.

Marketing: onze website toont advertenties. Deze cookies worden gebruikt om de advertenties die we u tonen te personaliseren, zodat ze betekenisvol voor u zijn. Deze cookies helpen ons ook om de efficiëntie van deze advertentiecampagnes bij te houden. De informatie die is opgeslagen in deze cookies kan ook worden gebruikt door externe advertentie providers om u ook advertenties op andere websites in de browser te tonen.

Functioneel: dit zijn de cookies die bepaalde niet-essentiële functionaliteiten op onze website helpen. Deze functionaliteiten omvatten het insluiten van inhoud zoals video’s of het delen van inhoud op de website op sociale mediaplatforms. Voorkeuren: deze cookies helpen ons uw instellingen en browservoorkeuren zoals taalvoorkeuren op te slaan, zodat u een betere en efficiënte ervaring hebt bij toekomstige bezoeken aan de website.

Voorkeuren: deze cookies helpen ons uw instellingen en browservoorkeuren zoals taalvoorkeuren op te slaan, zodat u een betere en efficiënte ervaring hebt bij toekomstige bezoeken aan de website.

The below list details the cookies used in our website.

__atuvcThis cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count.
_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics and is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
1P_JARThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
APISIDThis DoubleClick cookie is generally set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device.
DSIDThis cookie is set to note your specific user identity. It contains a hashed/encrypted unique ID.
HSIDThis cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites.
IDEThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
NIDThis cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
SAPISIDThis DoubleClick cookie is generally set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device.
SIDCCThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
SSIDThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.

Essential: Some cookies are essential for you to be able to experience the full functionality of our site. They allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information. For example, these cookies allow you to log-in to your account and add products to your basket and checkout securely.

Statistics: These cookies store information like the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website have been visited, the source of the visit etc. These data help us understand and analyze how well the website performs and where it needs improvement.

Marketing: Our website displays advertisements. These cookies are used to personalize the advertisements that we show to you so that they are meaningful to you. These cookies also help us keep track of the efficiency of these ad campaigns.

The information stored in these cookies may also be used by the third-party ad providers to show you ads on other websites on the browser as well.

Functional: These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on our website. These functionalities include embedding content like videos or sharing contents on the website on social media platforms.

Preferences: These cookies help us store your settings and browsing preferences like language preferences so that you have a better and efficient experience on future visits to the website.

The below list details the cookies used in our website.

__atuvcThis cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count.
_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics and is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
1P_JARThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
APISIDThis DoubleClick cookie is generally set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device.
DSIDThis cookie is set to note your specific user identity. It contains a hashed/encrypted unique ID.
HSIDThis cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites.
IDEThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
NIDThis cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
SAPISIDThis DoubleClick cookie is generally set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the website visitor's interests and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device.
SIDCCThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
SSIDThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.

How can I control the cookie preferences ?

Als u besluit om uw voorkeuren later via uw browser sessie te wijzigen, kunt u op het tabblad ‘Privacy- en cookiebeleid’ op uw scherm klikken. Hiermee wordt de toestemming melding opnieuw weergegeven, zodat u uw voorkeuren kunt wijzigen of uw toestemming volledig kunt intrekken.

Should you decide to change your preferences later through your browsing session, you can click on the “Privacy & Cookie Policy” tab on your screen. This will display the consent notice again enabling you to change your preferences or withdraw your consent entirely.